Sunday, August 25, 2013

Something I love

Here we are, day 1 of my Super-Awesome, Totally Creative 10 Day Blogging Challenge.

I could write about a billion different things that I love because I am an easily amused individual. I get pleasure out of the simplest things and always see the glass as half full rather than half empty. But I can only write about one thing so I have chosen something that has had the greatest impact on my life.

I love being a Mormon.

My membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a huge part of who I am. I was born into the church and have learned for myself that the doctrines and principles of the gospel are true. As a Mormon, I've been taught that we are all children of God and knowing that I am a daughter of God has given me a sense of self worth that has made me a confident, happy woman.

This is the Cardston, Alberta Temple, the place where Joe and I were married. The church has many temples around the world. At the last count we had 141 operating temples with 15 under construction and 14 announced. LDS temples aren't just used for marriage ceremonies. As members of the church we have a duty to attend the temple regularly where we can perform ordinances of salvation for those who died without a knowledge of the gospel. As I attend the temple I learn about Heavenly Father's plan for us and I learn more about my role in that plan. Temples are places of peace and worship and I love going there because it is a chance for me to forget about my worries and feel the love that God has for me. 

As a Mormon I've been taught to pray. You can pray when you're happy, you can pray when you're sad, if you have questions in your life you can pray for the answers. I am grateful for the power of prayer. Seriously, whether you believe in Him or not, God hears and answers prayers if you pray with real intent and with faith that you'll receive an answer. I know I've had answers to my prayers. They don't always come immediately, but if I am living the gospel and doing the right things, the answers will come. Prayer is a way that we can all connect ourselves to God and get to know Him. 

This is just a small snippet of how being a Mormon influences my life. I could talk about so many more good things I love about being a Mormon, but these are the big ones. If this has raised some questions for you, feel free to check out the links I provided in this post. If you have any questions for me you can send them my way at

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